We see beautiful capsule wardrobes and elegantly organised homes in glossy magazines, blogs and the media. Many aspire to achieve this but it can often feel elusive. So where should we start and how can we make sure our efforts last?
Over the past decade, I have had the privilege of coaching and inspiring people to transform their cluttered wardrobes and living spaces to support the lifestyle they want. The good news is anyone can do it!
So just how did it start for me?
Styling and creating has always been second nature to me and is what I love with a passion. Out of hundreds of applications, I was one of twenty students accepted into the top styling school in Denmark.
Five years after graduating, I was thrilled when I was offered the position of the styling manager for Denmarks largest luxury department store. I had complete creative license to arrange beautiful designs, style people and interiors for the store. I loved my job so much that it didn’t feel like work!
In the little time I had left over, I would renovate and style homes too. However, life suddenly threw me a curve ball and everything changed…

We have all faced challenges at some point in our lives, and I certainly had my fair share of them. But the great thing about big challenges is that they bring about the opportunity for deeper self reflection.
So I started to question my life. Did I want to keep using my creativity to encourage people to spend more money on things they didn’t need? My work suddenly felt shallow and I had started to see the emptiness of consumerism and the dissatisfaction it brought people. So I quit my job, sold my house, left all my stuff behind, and went backpacking.
I went travelling on my own, exploring the desert and outback of Australia and surfing the powerful waves of New Zealand.
One day I was wading through the waters of a remote island, off the coast of Australia, admiring the colourful fish swimming around my legs. All I had was my bikini and my worn army green backpack, and to this day I still clearly remember the amazing feeling of lightness and happiness. It was at this moment that I had my first taste of the pure form of minimalism. This helped me to redefine what a successful life was to me – the type of life that I really wanted.
My experiences during travelling had changed me for the better. My journey eventually brought me to London, where I unexpectedly found the love of my life, got married and had a beautiful child. I kept my promise to myself to downsize and declutter everything in order to create a simpler, more joyful life.

I began to merge my love of styling with my principles of simplicity and created a version of a minimal lifestyle that brings me a feeling of peace and calm every day. The feeling of being in control of my life had brought me more peace and contentment than I had experienced before, so I wanted to share my method with others too.
I started receiving lots of requests for help and advice on how to simplify and style wardrobes and living spaces. This naturally led me to using my professional experience to refine and develop my own methods over the last ten years and to coach others through the process.
Social media played a significant role in helping me to realise the high volume of interest out there for simpler living. Over the past few years, I have been contacted by so many people from all corners of the globe.
So from 2018 I started offering online coaching, which has been amazing and truly rewarding.
Being able to connect with women from varying backgrounds, with different styles, from all around the world has been a real joy. And helping them to make changes, and witnessing the positive transformation in their lives has been a thrilling experience.
I already feel a shift and more confident about myself. I am very happy to have found you as a coach, you inspire me a lot!
If you too are longing for space and clarity in your life and home, I can help you to define your personal style, change habits and recreate a space that makes everyday life much more enjoyable.
Feel free to contact me if you would like to find out more!